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March 22, 2010


Susan Watson

What utterly stunning photos

Carol Vincent

Amazing photos of an amazing looking place! xxx carol


Oh Jane these are lovely ! I went there last year and most of my pics were reflection ones too, it's a great place!! xxx

Karen Rhodes

THese are beautiful photos Jane, and what a magical place I just love the iron work on the gate.


Fab photos Jane, gorgeous, love the reflections.

Monica Ahlstrom

Oh these wonderful photos makes me want to go to England so bad! A tour at the english countryside...aah... It`s been so long.
Missing your inspiring ideers in Scrapbook Inspirations, by the way.


Utterly awesome photos Jane


ha ha - I always come away from NT properties with pics of random gates too!! I LOVE NT places - reeking of history and faded grandeur. You have captured some lovely images there....


Oh my word, those photographs are fabulous! Stunning.


Beautiful photography - I particularly like the tower covered in ivy. :)

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