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November 22, 2009



Ooh Jane why when I go to Rochester is there never anything nice? I'm going to have to wander around with my sister next time I'm up visiting family! And go to Pickleberry!

Love your blog and my goodness I love that passport protector *drool*


Wonderful job on the passport holder. Bless you, you're a great friend and inspiration, couldn't do it without you :)

Jane Thorpe

I LOVE that union jack passport holder!!! Wonderful!! :)


Lovely knitting needles you need to send them to me at least I can knit ;) I need one of those old bobbins too! Who gave you the mushy pills?


The knitting needles are so sweet. And I will definitely have to try and go to Rochester... Your Union Jack passport holder is fab. Hope it will stay in one piece and not fall apart like you fear it will!).

Jane, I included you in a list of bloggers that I like and have passed on a "Kreative Blogging" award to you. I hope you are ok with that - if so, please come to this post on my blog, to pick up the piccy and notes for your own blog. If you don't want to join in, I don't mind. It's not supposed to be spam!

Best Wishes,


Cheryl Johnson

awwww sweet. Me nag ? Surely not :)

is there nothing you can't turn your hand too


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My Old Studio

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